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Modern Man's World

Mens Fashion Jeans: 3 Pillars to the Perfect Pair

October 31, 2013
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Jeans – this universal pant style is something that is not only fashionable but also an integral part of every man’s wardrobe. A pair of mens fashion jeans can take you from casual to business in a heartbeat and in order to get your style just right, there are 3 pillars of advice that you need to consider when choosing your next pair of jeans. Whether you wear jeans everyday or just casually on the weekend, taking these tips and tricks into account will have you looking good in no time.

Skinny or Not, It’s The Fit that Matters Most

If you are jumping on board the skinny jeans trend, you had better make sure that they fit. Not everyone is going to be able to pull off this look, but an important thing to remember is that when it comes to mens fashion jeans it’s more about the fit than it is the trend. With that in mind, do not put on a pair of these if you do not have the body type for it. If you have a broader, huskier physique, then avoid this look as it will make you look like you are wearing pants that are too small. But if you are slim, tall and feel comfortable in skinny jeans, then go for it – embrace the skinny jean trend. However, try not to re-invent the wheel and low ride in these, as that trend passed in the 80’s.

Length Is Crucial

The length of your jeans is just as important as the fit. Make sure that you take this advice seriously as there is nothing worse than seeing a guy wearing jeans that are either too short for him, making him look lanky, or too long for him, making him look stumpy. If you are between lengths, go with the longer option and then get this altered accordingly to your height.

Stick To Traditional Colors

At the moment there are a lot of different colors available in mens fashion jeans, that you can easily jump into when hunting for a new pair. Don’t go crazy here. Although these loud colors may be fashionable in the stores, this trend will not last long and sooner or later you will be left with a brightly pair of coloured jeans that are no longer considered ‘cool’. This does not mean that you should avoid colour altogether. Go with traditional colours at first – dark denim and regular blue denim at the helm. Investing in a pair of jeans this color will mean that you have something that is going to be wearable all year round. If you feel the need to lighten up, you could try different washed styles or opt for a pair of colored jeans later on, after you have purchased a traditional pair.

The above pillars of fashion are for men that want to look good but don’t necessarily want to shift away from wearing a pair of jeans. The fit, the length and the color are three important areas that should be considered when purchasing a pair of  jeans. You don’t need to spend over $100 on a good pair of jeans, as it is not about the price, but rather about matching the 3 areas mentioned above, together to create a look that suits your body type and style.

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