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Modern Man's World

Fashion for Men: Casual Style

November 20, 2014
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Fashion styles have changed a lot in the last 50 years and men’s clothing is evolving with as much emphasis as women’s. There was a time when fashion was something that would only get promoted and marketed for women, but this changed dramatically in the 1970’s and men became fashion targets for designers just as much as women. This gave a very strong boost to the industry as a whole and things went mainstream with full force.

Casual styles have varied from decade to decade but the most common thing that is found in most of them is the use of clothes that allow for easy movement of the entire body and the implementation of light fabrics in the manufacture of shirts, pants and socks. Achieving a casual-formal style is usually very simple and it could involve pairing something like a white oxford shirt and denim pants. The use of Jeans is also very common for casual wear and denim shorts are also making a strong comeback for certain activities.

Casual clothing is a huge part of the average person’s wardrobe – men and women alike. Most people spend the majority of their social time in casual situations and this is why variety is very important. Now casual doesn’t mean drab. It’s probably not a great idea to live solely in flip flops with a t-shirt and some Bermuda shorts. It is important to learn how to balance this out and a great way to do so is to learn how to colour co-ordinate and match patterns and outfits to the situation.

At home, just lazing? Your shorts and a tee are just fine. If you’re heading out to grab a quick meal with a few friends, why not throw on a checkered shirt and some jeans with loafers? Another really good option is to pair a coloured polo shirt with some chinos – always a nice look. If you are to attend a “smart casual” event, a nice dress shirt with jeans and dress shoes will work really well. The important thing here is to always add your own unique twist to anything you wear. After all, there’s only one of you!

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