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Modern Man's World

A Simple Guide To Mens Dress Shoes

November 21, 2013
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One of the biggest problems with what men wear is their shoes. Many assume that there are only two types of options, the athletic one or the dressy one. There is a lot more to explore when it comes to footwear and if you are going to make an impression wherever you go, you will want to look at some items that will give you an amazing look, no matter what you are doing. What follows is a simple guide to mens dress shoes, which will help you choose the right option for whatever occasion. It may require some initial investment of both time and money, however, it will provide you with the support to diversify your shoe rack.

Leather Works

A staple in the shoe industry is one made of leather. A good leather option is always going to be in vogue, no matter where you are in the world. The issue then becomes a matter of color, style, toe shape, heel and shine. These variables are all interesting points to look into, but the main focus here is on leather. Go with real leather and not anything synthetic. Synthetics are nice, but they are not going to look as good or be as long lasting as real leather items. When looking at mens dress shoes those made of leather are the best and most versatile. Start here, and then slowly branch out into other materials and styles.

Stitching Matters

The stitching of a shoe is not only going to play a part in the durability of it, but also contributes to its overall style and look.Whether you want something to pair with a tuxedo or you want to have a semi-casual shoe for your first day on a new job, you will want to watch out for stitching that highlights the look you are going for. Look for something that is clean, crisp and not too pronounced. Whether you go for an oxford style or something more of a wing tip variety, you want to pay close attention to how the stitching works with the shoes and whether you want it to be a key feature or not. If the stitches are too prominent and obvious, much like on a baseball, you may not want them, as bigger is not necessarily better in all cases.

The Boot

This may be counter intuitive, but when discussing mens dress shoes, we cannot forget to mention the boot. Boots are no longer just for utility use, they can be worn for any occasion and provide the means to truly make a fashion statement. Although this type of shoe is harder to pull off in a dressy situation, take into account the type of stitching it has and what sort of material it is made out of. These factors will determine whether the boot is a suitable style for the occasion. If you get something that is too rugged, it may move your look back to something more casual, so make sure that you find a boot that is balanced and versatile.

The above tips are just some of the things that you need to consider in order to ensure you’re shoes are not dragging down your outfit. As there are now more options in mens shoes than ever before, it is essential to consider the material, the finish, and the type of shoe, when purchasing and matching it up with your wardrobe. To find out how to get the most out of clothes sales when shopping for your new shoes, click here.

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