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Modern Man's World

What You Need to Know about 3 Piece Suits

August 19, 2013
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There’s just something about 3 piece suits that is ever so suave. Honestly, when you wear one of these you won’t want to go back to the dull-er life of wearing the more traditional two piece suit. Let’s take a little look at what 3 piece suits are all about, shall we?

Of course, the addition to a 3 piece suit is the waist coat. You are going to need to choose a vest which fits properly otherwise it could potentially ruin the whole look of the suit! You will be surprised at just how many men go out there looking to pull off three piece suits and catastrophically fail simply because they choose something which doesn’t fit correctly. If you choose well though, you will have an incredibly unique look that is almost fit for a celebrity.

Now, the waistcoat that you get with your suit isn’t just there for effect. It also has ability to make you look slimmer (one of the main reasons as to why people opt for this type of suit!). I suggest that in order to get the most out of this ‘slimming effect’ you wear a white shirt. You will then want your waistcoat to be slightly darker in colour. This helps to divert the attention to your face as opposed to your stomach – yes, it’s true! You of course also have the side benefit of not having to check whether your shirt has come un-tucked every five minutes – sloppy!  😎

Another benefit of wearing three piece suits is to help keep that tie in place. This is incredibly important if you are in a formal environment where you need to look your best at all times. The tie won’t be able to flop around, which will ensure that not only does it not fall out of place, but also that the knot won’t come undone (it does happen), thereby keeping your dapper look intact!

As you may well know, there are tons of different suit colours out there to choose from. Finding the right one for your needs won’t be too difficult. If you are dressing for a business situation, consider opting for a dark suit. These tend to look a great deal more formal.

Of course, this isn’t everything that you need to know about three piece suits. But hopefully it has given you a bit of knowledge about what they are all about, and perhaps more importantly how you can choose the right one for your needs! Remember, always choose the highest quality suit that you can afford. If you choose well you will be able to get many years of service life out of it.
Happy suiting!

rel=”nofollow”>Stephen Poff cc

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