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Modern Man's World

Getting It Right: Young Mens Fashion

July 31, 2014
Getting It Right Young Mens Fashion
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Young men’s fashion today, can sometimes be either hit or miss, and many people who are iconoclasts today are not doing it correctly. They are pushing old stereotypes and unwittingly causing millions of young men to look completely sloppy. If you want to make sure you’re looking good, you’ll need to rely heavily on correcting your posture, standing up straight, and dressing like you care about yourself. This is not a call to wear a suit all the time, but it wouldn’t kill you to increase the variety in your wardrobe. If money is an issue, don’t worry; there are a lot of subtle things that you can do on a budget to make sure that you look your best.

Suiting Up With Custom Tailoring

A good tailor is not hard to find. A great tailor might be, but in every community there are adequate tailors still doing a wonderful job of customizing clothing. If you have never gone to a tailor, do so soon. Get your suits custom fitted and fixed. You can buy bargain basement items, but under no circumstances should you be wearing anything that is meant for business, or even business casual, without ensuring that it fits your body. Custom tailored clothing may sound like something expensive, but it’s not that costly if you have a tailor helping you out. No matter what type of suit you get, make sure that it compliments you when you’re wearing it.

Casual Items: Jeans and Pants

For young men, casual wear is everything. If you’re not going to be rocking a suit all the time, then at least consider a few tips regarding pants. The most common complaint that women have about men’s pants is that they are constantly sagging, they don’t fit, or that they are too tight (not everyone looks good in skinny jeans). It has been said once and it will be said again until the masses stop doing it – sagging is awful. Do not do this at all, as there’s no way it looks good. With that in mind, get jeans, pants and even shorts that fit properly at your waist and use a belt if you need to. If you just take this and you forget everything else, you will be one step closer to looking more confident.

Accessories to Consider

When it comes to young men’s fashion, you don’t need to spend a lot of money on accessories. The smartphone may rule your life, but you need to have something more than just that to tell time. Get a good-looking, versatile watch. An all-black option is a good idea, and make sure that you pair it with a good set of shades. Watches are really great. In a way, they “complete the look” and can help you look older while still maintaining your youthfulness. A hat could help as well, but be careful with the fedora, or ball cap, as it can set you back if not worn properly. It’s always important to think of the overall look you’re trying to achieve when picking your accessories.

Young men’s fashion is not complicated; it’s simply a matter of getting clothes that fit you properly. If you can just focus on that, you’ll look older, more sophisticated, and you will no doubt turn heads – even in today’s society that can sometimes overlook youth.

photo credit: Bev Goodwin cc

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