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Modern Man's World

Dating Advice and Options for Military Men

November 28, 2013
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 Men in uniform are among an elite brand of individuals, selfless in a lot of ways and very much disciplined. Dating for them is not an easy task at times, as they can be called into action and away for  long periods. When it comes to finding love, things can be a bit difficult as the traditional methods of courting and wooing are time consuming, which is why many military men choose to stay single. There are some key elements of advice you may want to behold if you are in this situation, especially if you want to explore military men dating options that are beyond just the fetishes out there.

Speed Dating Works Well

This may sound like an insane concept at first, but the idea of going on many different dates in one night is a smart, fun, way to meet someone special. If you choose this option, you will have timed dates with others, without the pressure of having to break the ice first. It’s this sort of quick option that fits the lifestyle of many men in the military, who are short on time, which is why it is becoming very popular. Going through the motions of meeting many is better than trying to pin down one date and then having to go through those cumbersome moments that could end up leading no where. To find out about dating on the web click here.

Being Open Helps

A piece of advice military men dating sites often give is to be candid. You don’t want to hide your profession and you don’t want to push it out there too fast either. Make sure that you casually introduce this in conversation on a date and make sure to allow for them to hear you out. Talk about your experience and the reason why you’re involved with it and who knows, you could find a kindred ear. Some adore a man in uniform but moreover, are attracted to the discipline and faithfulness that comes from being in the military. Being open will definitely help your progress in the long run.

Brush Off Negativity

There are going to be people that you meet during your journey into military men dating options, and some will be negative. If you find someone that is somewhat negative in the way they speak about what you do or in regards to the choices you have made, then count your blessings, brush it off and walk away.Remember time is of the essence and time spent trying to defend yourself against one persons reservations, could be better spent pursuing elsewhere. Serving in the military is not an easy task and requires nobility, so stay true to yourself and your purpose and sooner or later the right person will come along.

The above tips are for those that are working towards finding love and balancing military duty at the same time. It’s a complicated matter, but not an impossible one, so be sure to keep an open mind whilst pursuing different strategies, and as mentioned before – stay true to who you are during the process.

photo credit: Elvert Barnes cc

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