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Modern Man's World

Happy Union: Marriage Advice for Men

April 3, 2014
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When you’re married to someone for a long time, you’re bound to come across a wide range of issues that need to be dealt with. Some of them can leave you scratching your head, making you wonder why the heck you got married in the first place. Getting married is a serious decision and one that comes with a lot of joy. You now have a partner to share all of life’s beauty with, someone to share your joys and sorrows with. Yes, there can be bumps along the way but you simply need a plan on how to navigate your way through them. One needs to move from the frame of mind of thinking only for themselves to one where you consider your partner in your decisions. Honesty is a golden pillar of any successful relationship. For more great marriage advice for men, read on!

Do Not Listen To Your Friends

If you have friends who are feeding you advice, don’t always assume that they know what they are doing. Unless you have full proof that they are in stable, healthy marriages with little to no problems, do not listen to their advice. You will oftentimes get bad tips and untested suggestions, so instead, take what they say with a grain of salt and do not move forward with anything until you are fully aware of what you want to do next.

Start Working Out

If you have let yourself go, and guys, many of us do, it may be time to try working out more. Start jogging or go to the gym. You’ve already got your dream girl to marry you but don’t feel like you can slack off. You still need to take care of your body and stay in shape. Not only will this benefit you by helping you stay fit, but you will also find that your spouse will absolutely love it. Being fit will also help you live longer, help you keep up with your children (when you have them) and generally live a happier life. Although it may not seem like it, many authors on marriage advice for men rate staying healthy (physically and emotionally) as one of the most important factors of happiness within a relationship.

Take Care of Yourself

This tip is in line with what we mentioned above; take as much care of yourself as you did when you were a bachelor. That means grooming, making sure you smell nice, and wearing clothing that is fitting and doesn’t make you look sloppy. Remember, when you’re married, you’re representing your spouse as much as yourself. Making sure that you look good for her is a good thing, so do not neglect this. It’s too easy to become lazy over time, so do not allow yourself to get too comfortable, as it will come back to haunt you in time.

Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.

Many fights within a relationship can be put down to a lack of proper communication. See, us humans are social beings – we love interaction both with other people (well, most of us do) and with our partners. Work on those communication skillslearn to listen before reacting or speaking and you will find that those petty squabbles that used to dominate your relationship are now just a distant memory.

The marriage advice and tips above are for men who are seeking a better chance at sticking through the hard times and being married for a lifetime. No matter how long you want to be married and no matter what you do in this life, the tips above will serve you well. Take home pointNever get too comfortable, because that’s when you start to neglect your spouse and that’s when the trouble usually begins.

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