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Modern Man's World

Cheap Watches Online: Are They Worth It?

August 12, 2013
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As internet shopping grows in popularity, more people than ever are turning to the internet to score some fantastic deals on pretty much everything and that includes buying cheap watches online. I won’t lie to you – there are some sweet deals out there but what you need to remember is that on the internet, not everything is always what it seems….oooh freaky. 🙂  If the price of a watch seems a little bit too good to be true then it is likely that it is too good to be true.

There are plenty of people out there who know they can prey on people searching for designer watches so what they do is set up websites with ‘hard to resist’ deals on these watches. As you can probably guess, the customers come rolling in. So what’s the problem? Well chances are that people who actually purchase from these websites are most likely not going to get what is advertised – if anything at all!
Remember that brands, particularly ‘designer’ brands, want to maintain their exclusive image. As a result they will only sell to companies who can promise to uphold brand values. Of course, there are others who want to grab a slice of the pie too. In various factories around the world, there are factories pumping out replica watch after replica watch. They are built to the same design as designer watches but they certainly do NOT have the quality.

Designer watches are priced high for a reason. This is because there are a LOT of intricate components used which are designed to last for many years. Cheap watches aren’t. They are built to a budget. The components are shoddy and you are probably throwing away half the features of the standard watch. If the watch breaks (which it will do) then there’s absolutely no customer service or comeback to speak of. You can’t just contact the website and ask them to repair your watch (well you can try but good luck getting them to respond). You will most likely need to buy a new one, what a waste! Now if you purchase a high quality watch from a reputable retailer on the other hand, you can be sure that you are getting the real deal and if there are any issues they will be sorted out properly. Peace of mind and after-sales service – awesome!

So my suggestion is if you are searching for a high quality watch online then make sure that you only work with reputable retailers. I suggest using websites like Amazon who has strict security protocols in place to protect buyers. You could also do a quick Google search which will give you reviews of whether a company is good or not. If they aren’t, avoid them!

Just to bring this article to a close, I’d like to make a mention that yes, you will pay more upfront for a watch from a reputable seller, but I promise you, in the long term you are not only going to save money not having to purchase new watch after new watch, but there will be a lot less stress for you when you find that the watch isn’t breaking every five minutes! Stay away from cheap watches online!

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