Monday 31st March 2025,
Modern Man's World

Casio G-Shock BURTON Limited Edition Watch

August 26, 2013
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Time for another review guys! This particular watch is the result of a team-up between G-Shock and Burton (perhaps the largest snowboarding company in the world). I am sure you can agree straight away that the design of this particular watch is very unique. Perhaps the main reason for that though is the fact that the Casio G-Shock Burton watch is more than a watch as you will discover soon.  🙂

As you can see, this watch is a digital watch. This means that it isn’t something that you are going to be wearing to formal events where you need to dress to impress. To be honest though, it was never really intended for that. This watch has been expressly designed as a sports watch, a winter sports watch in fact. You do of course get that brilliant Casio design that they are known for, which means that it is perfect for the person that still cares what they look like, even in freezing temperatures!

I am going to presume that you know a watch is going to tell the time, so we will skip that particular feature 😉 . When you look at the display of the Casio G-Shock Burton watch, you will notice two different numbers in addition to the time. The first will be air pressure and the second temperature. Both of these numbers are incredibly important numbers in the world of winter sports or even if they are working in incredibly harsh conditions. This watch is perhaps one of the only ones on the market which keeps track of both of these incredibly accurately.

In addition to this you have an altimeter which will be able to measure how high you are up to 10,000m! This isn’t given as a number but in the form of a dial. The thermometer has a good range. For C it will measure from 10 to 60, and for 14 to 140 in F. It will display in 0.1 increments. The Barometer (i.e. your pressure gauge) will measure from 260 to 1,00 hPa and 7.65 to 32.45 inHG.

The clock itself can be set to world time in over 48 different cities. Since the clock is LED based you will also be able to see it even when it is pitch black, which of course again makes it perfect for those people who are going to be spending a lot of time outside in harsh conditions. Sure, it seems like there is a lot of information packed onto a relatively small watch face, but I really do believe that it works. Casio have got that layout absolutely perfect and you certainly will not be confused by what you are supposed to be looking at.

If you are a winter sports lover, or spend most of your time outside in the harshest conditions then I really do suggest that you take a look at the Casio G-Shock Burton watch. The features that it boasts are absolutely perfect for you, and of course you also have the bonus of a brilliant design at an affordable price. I really couldn’t recommend this watch more! Check it out here! (aff link)

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