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Modern Man's World

Raymond Weil Maestro Automatic Steel Men’s Watch

September 18, 2014
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There are a lot of companies putting out stainless steel watches. Some do it with simplicity, and others find a way to make them stand out. With the release of the Raymond Weil Maestro Automatic Steel Men’s Watch, you get the best of both worlds. Not only will you get that precision style, but you will get functionality that is staple of timepieces that are on the higher end of the spectrum. This one stands out, from the design at first glance to the in-depth options attached to it.


Fans of the Raymond Weil brand will immediately note the design style here. It is not quite the same as many other steel watches, but still has a certain tribute to it. The template has been changed, but the meaning is all there and in full contrast to what consumers want from this type of timepiece. The dial window is the first thing people look at, which is why this one is made of scratch-resistant sapphire. It looks clean, and can take a small beating. It is not going to be completely scratch-proof, but the coating is good enough to give you peace of mind. It won’t handle extremes, but everyday wear and tear shouldn’t cause too much damage here.

The face is 39 mm in diameter, which is a good size. Band materials are all stainless steel and feature a silver color tone and palette. The fixed bezel fits well and looks attractive on the band, which has an interlocking pattern. The dial itself has some interesting design choices. The traditional dials usually have a solid color and the numbers or design of the hands, but this watch has been given a clever makeover. The interior is water resistant to 164 feet (50 meters). The movements are automatic, so there’s no need to worry about accuracy or trying to match up with the atomic time. The accuracy and Swiss design choices are definitely worth noting, as this watch is one of the finer options that you’re going to get today. The round layout and classic style mesh quite well.

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Reviews on the Raymond Weil Maestro Automatic Steel Men’s Watch are mostly favorable, citing an attention to the simplicity that is found with this option. It’s definitely on par with a lot of other luxury brands’ design flow, but stands tall with the uniquely designed interior dial;it is not just one solid color, which can be a bit distracting when trying to read the time swiftly. You’ll find that the hand movements and the visual display can cause problems, especially if you’re not used to analog data. The lack of bells and whistles is definitely worth noting as well.

Final Verdict

If you’re looking for a high-end stainless steel watch, this is more than adequate. It’s cleverly designed and definitely stands out, but it’s not perfect. It tries to go for simplicity, and then complicates the dial interior. Click here to see if this suits you.

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