Monday 31st March 2025,
Modern Man's World

Fashion Bracelets : Are They Really Only For Women?

January 1, 2015
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The fashion world is full of trends. Some stay longer than others, and how these trends are received by society is what determines the life of the ‘look’ or item. Clothing for men and women continues to evolve, as it has for thousands of years and we are beginning to notice the boundaries that once separated these two distinct genders, start to fade. One example is the fashion bracelet. This item traditionally was meant only for women but now when you enter a men’s fashion retailer, it is very common to find men’s fashion bracelets to complement your outfit of choice.

Although it took western cultures longer to make the shift towards this particular accessory for men, cultures in other parts of the world embraced it early on. The Italians were early to take on men’s fashion bracelets and popularise them. Various depictions of men (often Mob associated) were sported wearing very expensive bracelets whilst still embodying the macho lifestyle.

There were attempts made by male celebrities in the late 80’s and early 90’s (when they started to wear bracelets) to bring the accessory mainstream, but this trend died out and went back to obscurity for a long time. Perhaps society was not yet ready to accept such a shift in fashion?  But with the passing of time, momentum built up once more and a shift in men’s fashion trends started to emerge. Prejudice against men wearing anything that was considered feminine started to change and this was thanks to a wider acceptance of people’s sexual preferences and the strengthening of the gay community. Straight men started to feel the freedom that enabled them to wear items of clothing that used to be “controversial”. This allowed the use of men’s fashion bracelets to infiltrate western culture.

Like traditional women’s bracelets, men’s fashion bracelets come in a variety of styles, colours and materials, but the fit is what creates distinction. Usually men’s fashion bracelets are closely wrapped to the wrist compared to hanging loosely which is the way most women wear their bracelets.  That is probably the most distinctive difference between women’s bracelets and men’s bracelets.

The bracelet trend can be worn in many ways. Some men like wearing multiple bracelets with different colours and designs, whereas others prefer sticking to one at a time. Whichever one you choose to sport, just make sure it complements the overall look you are going for.

With the Fashion world giving plenty of attention to Men’s fashion bracelets, they are now a key accessory to any outfit, an accessory that has finally become just as popular among men as it has been for women.

photo credit: Stacie Stacie Stacie cc

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