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Modern Man's World

Pocket Watches for Men

August 29, 2013
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It was back in the early 1500’s when clockmakers started to be able to shrink down their standard clocks into something slightly more portable. This was due to incredible innovations in the world of clock making. This is how the pocket watch for men was born. At this time though, watches weren’t small enough to put in your pocket, instead they hung around your neck like a pendant. It wasn’t until the 1600’s when watches began to enter mainstream usage as an item of jewellery that could be kept in the pocket.

Of course, the main use for pocket watches for men back then was as a show of status. Many industries which relied on sublime timekeeping (for example, trains nearer the end of the 1800’s) required the use of a pocket watch. They were also in use in the military up until the end of World War I when pocket watches for men began to be replaced by wrist watches.

Nowadays the traditional usage of pocket watches for men seems to have gone out the window. Now, they seem to be used by men who are looking to make a fashion statement. They do look absolutely fantastic as a piece of jewellery after all. Many men do use them in the previously mentioned industries but this is becoming more and more uncommon. Over the years, the sale of pocket watches has dwindled considerably and you may need to look long and hard to find the perfect one for you. If you follow these tips though, it should make the process a little bit quicker:

• Purchase pocket watches from reputable brands only. Yes, it is going to be slightly more expensive, but it will be worth it in the long run. You see, not many companies know how to make decent pocket watches for men. They don’t understand the sophisticated processes behind the crafting and you generally end up with something sub-par. You do not want this. You want a watch that is going to last you a lifetime and that you can pass on, so choose wisely.

• Decide whether you want an open or closed style pocket watch. In my opinion, closed watches do look slightly better (i.e. the ones which have a small door which you can open up to expose the face of the watch) some people however prefer the open style.

• Choose an antique watch or a new watch. As the availability of pocket watches dwindles, do not hesitate to look at antique watches on the market to help you find exactly what you want.

• Shop around for your watch if you decide to go new! Online is probably the best way to go. Do not purchase too cheaply though, particularly designer brands as it could end up being a scam (not ideal right?)

• Battery powered or mechanical watch? The former is going to ultimately be more accurate, but the latter is going to be easier to deal with (in the future) if there are any problems with it.

Of course, this is just a very brief guide to the world of pocket watches for men. I do urge you to check out what is on offer at some point just so you can get an idea of the sort of things that you can purchase. Buy well and I am sure you will not be disappointed.

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