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Modern Man's World

Fashion Focus: 3 Elements of Boot Design and Style

October 31, 2013
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What do you think of when you first hear the word boots?

The utilitarian usage of the word is no longer just for those that are going to work to do a hard day’s labor. What once was only used for the purpose of “work”, is now something that has fast become a major part of men’s outfits. Mens fashion boots are not necessarily a new trend, as it has had a presence amongst a variety of sub cultures for some time. Perhaps one of the more memorable uses was that of the hip hop community, which seemed to be fascinated with mixing elements from the streets with the runway,  for example; the Timberland boot craze. If you’re looking to spruce up your style, mens fashion boots could just be that component that takes your outfit to the next level. However, you’ll want to remember a few tips, or you could end with a style you never intended. To find out where to go for mens fashion sales, check this out.

Mens Dress Boots

As we stated above, the notion of utility is somewhat a misnomer today, especially if you are going out. Forget the Doc Marten’s look that swept through various sub-genres of music and style, and consider a more eclectic blend of materials. The heel and sole of the boot matters greatly, but so do the other materials that comprise it. If you are going for an elegant, dressy look, you will want to choose leather, but do not neglect a faux finish or even suede as both these options can also look dressy. When in doubt, go with black leather accompanied with a zippered side or inconspicuous laces.

Fashion Boots

Moving completely away from utility, and away from the more “dressed” up options, you’ll find fashion boots to be one of the most argued about categories of men’s fashion. “What exactly is this?”, “how can you tell one apart from the other?” and “what is a good price?” are some of the most frequently asked questions about mens fashion boots. There are a lot of different elements that you need to consider when purchasing boots, but the rules are similar to that which were stated above, to simply move away from “utility”. Seek out options that are a balance between rugged and smart, and can be paired with a variety of outfits. Also look carefully at particular details such as the  stitching, patterns, laces, and fabrics. These small details contribute to the overall look of the boots and if you are aiming for a casual look, avoid leather.

Finding the right mens fashion boots can easily turn from easy to complicated if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Try to stay away from options that look like work boots or that are associated with certain subgroups (Gothic, Punk), unless that is the look you are going for.When in doubt, look for top brands that are coordinated with the clothing styles that you purchase often and you will find the right choice for your needs.

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