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Modern Man's World

Yes, We’re Talking 1960 Men’s Fashion Again!

October 23, 2014
1960 men’s fashion
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The 1960’s were known for starting a new revolution with regards to clothing trends worldwide. The biggest changes occurred during the last 4 years of the decade and it was quite obvious that they had a heavy influence on styles in the 70’s. The tighter pants and the variety of colors of the suits men were sporting started to grow noticeably during this period of time and there is no denying that modern fashion is turning their eyes back to this particular era for inspiration. Let’s take a look at the kind of clothes people used to wear in the 60’s and how they are making such a huge comeback now.

Style transitions in the 1960’s started one of the most notorious changes between the conservative look of the 50’s and a more experimental style of clothing that set a new standard in fashion while giving way to more revealing and colorful clothes to be worn. The patterns and color combinations allowed for more variety and this really gave a boost to the industry. Then the 70’s provided an even more revolutionary change that took things to the next level. You could say that the 1960’s stood in the middle between the conservative look and the modern looks that we have today.

Now 60’s fashion is being brought back into the spotlight by likes of hit TV series like Mad Men. The show is set in the 60’s and all the clothes worn by the actors are true to the clothing items you would see people wearing back in that decade. This has introduced younger generations to the styles of the past and guess what – they really like what they see. Stores are now packed with clothing pieces that are straight from the era and sales are doing well. This is proof that a decade in fashion can easily be brought back with a helpful dose of mainstream media exposure. If the era has something interesting to bring to modern days, then there is a very good chance of it being reborn as a new trend with some added influences from current styles. In the case of the 60’s they seem to be treated with respect and plenty of men are opting for the original look without any modifications.  This trend can be seen mostly in the corporate world which really is quite a wide market with people who like tailor-made clothing with vibrant colors and patterns.

photo credit: PinkMoose cc



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