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Modern Man's World

Mens Suits: 3 Steps to the Perfect Suit

November 7, 2013
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It’s Time To Suit Up, The Right Way!

There are definitely going to be times when the need arises for you to look into wearing or buying a suit. You may not think about it immediately, but there are certain points in your life where you should be showcasing one. If you are not already wearing a suit at work, then you may need it for an upcoming formal event or even for an after work catch up. Nowadays, suits are not only for formal gatherings, but elements of the suit such as the suit jacket can be added to a casual outfit in order to make it look more dressy. No matter what the reason  is behind you dressing up, make sure that you follow these 3 rules when it comes to mens suits to guarantee a clean suit style.

Get A Customized Fit

The number one thing that you want to remember here today is simple, get the suit custom fitted. You have a unique body and you need to have your clothes match your individuality. This starts with going to see a tailor so that he can alter your suit according to your body shape. Do not neglect this tip as the worse thing to see among a group of men in tailored suits, is one man drowning in a baggy, unflattering suit. Getting alterations done is not that costly, unless you are getting the tailor to make your suit from scratch and at times when you purchase a suit, there are complementary tailoring services offered as part of the package. A good trick is to buy a suit off the rack, especially during sales, then get it measured and fitted according to your body shape. Boom, custom suit at a decent price.

The Shirt Matters

The shirt that you chose to wear with a suit is a vital component of your entire look, so make sure that you look for items that are well-fitted (for formal events). Whether you’re wearing a casual option or something that is form fitting with a tight neckline, make sure that the shirt you choose pairs well with the suit jacket and style. This is not difficult to achieve. All you have to do is consider the occasion then pair a shirt representing this with a suitable jacket. Mens suits are not as complicated as made out to be by most people – just get in there and do not be afraid to start mixing and matching, within reason!

The Tie Is Up To You

Mens suits do not always have ties, but if you are going to wear one, make sure it’s modern but not too bright. Too often, men think that they need something loud and proud around their neck and although this can be a really cool look when done correctly, this is not always the case. Slim ties are making a comeback, however only wear these if suitable for your body shape and style. In terms of colors and patterns, pick something muted, avoiding ties with cheesy characters and sayings. Loosen it up a little if you choose to wear it in a casual setting, otherwise keep it tight if you are headed towards the boardroom, adding a tie-clip if necessary.

Let’s recap what we have gone through. The worst thing that you can do when considering a suit is have it too big or too tight. Get something that fits you properly and if this is not the case when you purchase it, than make sure that you get it altered specifically before wearing it out. Remember, the shirt you choose plays an important role in creating the right mood for your suit, so think about the style of the shirt before you pick your suit jacket and if the occasion requires it, top it off with a simple but elegant tie.

photo credit: Hallenser cc

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