Sunday 23rd February 2025,
Modern Man's World

Flashback: 50’s men’s fashion

August 28, 2014
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Over the years, many fashion trends & styles have come and gone; and they have all made their own unique contribution to the fashion world in some way or form. Yes, some of them have faded away into oblivion but others have helped shape the look of the decade. 50’s men’s fashion trends are definitely some that marked the beginning stages of a modern world; all while maintaining a very vintage and classic outlook. This was not only a time for change in regards to fashion, but the entire world was seeing a revolution in their way of life and the general awareness of people in regards to war and politics.

This was a very conservative era for fashion and it has been known by many as another influential age that has transcended it’s time and is currently being brought back to life. There are many things that defined the 50’s look but one of the most common was the use of patterns that went from stripes to plaids. The famous argyle pattern was very popular and known by everyone.  You would rarely see any clothing without some pattern detail – regardless of how casual or formal it was (within reason of course). It would be safe to say that the 50’s look had patterns on everything ranging from underwear and shirts to pants and hats. This was a very distinctive part of the style of the time and everyone who thinks about clothing from that decade will probably be quick to point this out before they proceed to mention anything else.

The 50’s look is coming back strong in fashion and a lot of men are adopting this style even in Hollywood. The look is evolving with patterns being left out and a modern feel being injected into the pieces.

There is a lot of talk in the fashion world about how this look is now inspiring a lot of new creation by some of the top designers in the world and we can expect a lot of surprises in the coming years that will be directly influenced by this particular decade.

photo credit: bobbi vie cc

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