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Modern Man's World

Casual Men’s Fashion : 4 tips for the college newbie

March 26, 2015
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Well, well, well a few months ago you graduated from High School and here you are a brand new college freshman. You look around you and there are nothing but beautiful girls and freedom. Perhaps the newest and scariest thing to you now is that you’re alone here. There is nobody to tell you what to do. Most importantly, there is nobody here telling you how to dress (not that there should have been somebody anyway). This is pure freedom. What are you going to do with this freedom? You’re going to make yourself as physically attractive as can be. I’m going to share a few tips that will set you along the correct path of high fashion sense. Remember they’re plenty of beautiful girls here. Are you going to be one of their favorites or the guy they walk right past because his dress sense was sorely lacking?

Always wear clothes that compliment your body type. What does this mean for you? As far as skinny jeans are concerned, it means that if you’re a robust individual, stay far, far away from the skinny jeans. Likewise if you’re on the slim side, skinny jeans are your friend because they accentuate your body; making you “fit” more into your skin, if you will. Rule of thumb here is larger guys should opt for “relaxed” style of clothing and slim guys should opt for “fitted” style of clothing.

Wear clothes that are made from good fabrics. If you make it a habit of skimping when it comes to the quality of the material you put on your body, this habit will become very hard to break. Good fabrics are well worth the price paid. A wise man once said, “you get what you pay for”. Always keep this rule in the back of your head when you go out shopping. If two pairs of jeans looks identical but one of them is made from a much higher quality of fabric, always opt for the higher quality fabric. Get used to feeling the material of clothes. Examine the sewing and stitching carefully. In time you’ll get used to this and easily be able to distinguish good from poor quality.

Your shoes are your “foot suit”. The shoes hold a great deal of status when it comes to how you’re viewed at-large. Always have a fresh pair of sneakers or shoes on your feet. Make sure they’re well-maintained and clean every day. Buy shoe polish and a shoe polish brush. Clean your shoes every day before you head out and everyday when you come home.

The final tip is a simple one: stick to the basics. If something is timeless, e.g. khaki pants, you can’t go wrong by wearing them. Blue jeans and v-necks are also timeless classics that should be in your wardrobe.

Remember: your college years don’t last forever, so make the most of it and don’t let simple fashion mistakes prevent you from having the time of your life.
photo credit: Casual Shoes(license)

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