Wednesday 22nd January 2025,
Modern Man's World

Okay, Let’s Talk Gay Men’s Fashion.

September 11, 2014
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As cliché-like as it may sound, there is no doubt that many gay men have an eye for fashion that arguably, can’t even be rivaled by women. Some of the most famous and world renowned designers are openly gay (Tom Ford is a prime example – I simply love his work) and there is an obvious predominant fashion excellence in the gay community. Looking one’s best has always been very important to fashion inclined men and this stands true in the gay community as well. It is not uncommon for many women to look to one of their gay friends for advice on what to wear for a special night out or even for a casual party.

The 90’s brought in a much more powerful and mainstream fashion statement by gay men because society finally woke up to realize that people had the right to any sexual preference they desired without being treated like they committed a crime. This gave way to a lot more gay men being involved in the fashion world and becoming huge celebrities. The entertainment industry also started to showcase more gay people on TV shows (remember Queer Eye for the Straight Guy?) and in Hollywood movies. The influence of gay men on clothing styles and fashion was undeniable at this point and each decade has seen the birth of a new look that has the craftsmanship of the gay community at some level.

It seems like the epitomizing characteristic of gay men’s fashion is the ability to always make the best of any look one wears.  There is the tendency to take a lot of time in creating perfect color combinations and making sure everything is spot on. It doesn’t matter if the look is for a very elegant evening or a very casual event.

You can expect to see the gay community’s influence on fashion & style ever present in future trends and it won’t be long before we hear about a fresh new designer who is leading the clothing revolution and creating new combinations that are at the helm of keeping the fashion industry abuzz. Can’t wait to see what happens next!


photo credit: …love Maegancc

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