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Modern Man's World

Mens Fashion Trends: From Suits To Street Style

February 27, 2014
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Trends. Don’t you love them? There will be days where you want to put on your man-sweats and lounge around the house, but don’t let yourself become too comfortable and walk out the door this way. Some of us men really DON’T care about how we are presented and that’s NOT a good thing. Whether you want to be a rebel, or an individual that plays by your own rules, sooner or later you will need to ditch the tired obsession with scruffiness and comfort. Some occasions call for cleaner looks so here are a few mens fashion trend tips to keep in mind.

Don’t get us wrong, this is not a call for you to dress like Don Draper, or constantly try to mimic high society (as depicted in some of the higher end magazines), but rather one to groom yourself in a manner that represents your personality, while also being presentable (especially when the certain occasions demand it). Sounds too difficult? Nonsense, take a look at some of the mens fashion trends that are on our radar right now and see how easy it is to implement aspects of these into your own closet.

 Make Sure Everything Actually Fits

Somewhere in the late 80s and 90s men started wearing apparel that didn’t fit. Saggy pants, skateboard shoes and overall bagginess was the street style that even ended up on Paris runways. This trend no longer plays a lead role in today’s modern male look, rather the opposite. Look for things that fit, and if certain styles don’t suit your body type when fitted, then look harder, there are always other options. For the younger ones amongst us, growing up isn’t all that easy, but that doesn’t mean that you need to compensate by holding on to your younger years and dressing like you did in your teens. Get clothes that fit! We don’t mean wearing super tight, uncomfortable pieces, but rather things that are well-fitted and suit your body type. Try a lot of things on and you’ll soon find the right option.

A Shoe For All Occasions

Mens fashion trends are not just about the right clothing but also about other aspects of you’re entire outfit. Let’s look at your shoes. Shoes, boots, sandals and many other footwear styles are necessary to complete different looks and so play an important role in your closet. If you’re still wearing the same old sneakers from 2 years ago, throw them out, even if you still think they have a little bit more life left in them. Get yourself a couple of new items and diversify these to fit a range of occasions. Go for dress shoes, fashion boots, a pair of smart casual shoes and of course you can’t forget the infamous jandals (if you’re trying to put together a laid-back beach look).  Current trends in footwear are now about stitching and fabric, so keep these two aspects in mind in order to choose items that will be versatile and classic.

Emulating The Masters

If you feel confused and overwhelmed by the above tips, there’s no need – help is at hand. There are people who dedicate their lives to wearing and breathing the latest in mens fashion trends and it is as simple as just looking to them for inspiration and ideas.  If you don’t want to get a new wardrobe, that’s fine, start slowly with 1 outfit or a key accessory and then gradually build up your wardrobe. The most important thing is to take little steps and soon your old sweats will be far behind you.

photo credit: nadineheidrich cc

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