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Modern Man's World

Men’s Retro Fashion : Mixing the Old with the New

February 19, 2015
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There is no doubt that fashion has evolved tremendously in the last 100 years and we are now seeing a range of designs that go from over the top to simple and practical. The truth is that no matter how many new styles come out, you will always find some degree of influence from the past that has been weaved through. Retro fashion is always present and there have been some decades that have made a stronger impact than others.

A great example of a retro fashion style that seems to be present in every decade since it started is undeniably the 70’s. The bell bottoms, the tight fit and the shoes are all very much alive in modern fashion. The same can be said of the 60’s and the recent popularity rise that this decade has seen thanks to the sitcom Mad Men. This has created a new trend that has men looking for a retro corporate look that is the perfect mix of elegance and vibrancy. The designers of today are looking at the past to bring the modern man more options for the kind of clothes that he wears.

You can also see some influence in modern fashion that dates back as early as the 1920’s and 40s. The 40’s brought in some important contributions that are still being implemented today, with the older styles from this period being influential when designing for more elegant pieces. If it’s casual styles you’re after, it is more likely that designers took some ideas from decades like the 80’s and 90’s. This is not a rule by any means and you can see influences from all decades being brought into current fashions styles. The most important thing that has to be considered is that the trends that are used for inspiration are not entirely the same as the clothes that are produced.

Fashion will continue to evolve and people will always find ways to revolutionize the kind of clothes that we wear, but revisiting the styles of old is always a nice way to give fashion a break from the need to be in constant innovation. Sometimes the retro look can be more appealing when implemented with some variations that allow it to be more adequate for modern times. A lot of designers are now looking into the past to create the future trends that will be displayed in fashion runways and stores all over the world.


photo credit: MadMenkerchiefs (license)

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