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Modern Man's World

Let’s discuss: Mens Fashion T Shirts

July 10, 2014
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Okay – It’s hot outside, too hot for that brand spanking new suit in the closet, and you want to rock a t-shirt, but which one? This question goes through the mind of every man who likes looking casual, yet also cool. If you are one of them, you will want to keep a few rules on men’s fashion t-shirts in mind. Putting on any old rag is not an option if you want to look good. If you’re an adult and you still have that vintage rocker shirt from when you were a teenager, throw it out; it’s time to update your look and try something new. There are a lot of ways to dress yourself and the simple t-shirt takes a whole new meaning when you’re trying to look like a man and not a boy.

Too Much Graphic

Graphics are great. Too much in your face branding – not so much! When you’re picking a good t-shirt, try not go with one that has overt branding all over it (yes, even major brands are guilty of this). Don’t run the risk of looking like a “Label Basher” – try something a little more subtle instead, something that isn’t too over the top. Sometimes understated chic is the way to go and when it comes to t-shirts, it’s definitely a great option.

The Band Shirt

There are a lot of great bands whose merchandise you can wear to show your support, but there’s a time and a place for these t-shirts. If the shirt is slim fit and made with light fabric in a vintage style, then rock it, but if it’s starting to fade because you’ve washed it 300 times, it may be time to ditch it (or retire it to the collection wall depending on the value of the t-shirt).

Plain Works a Great Deal

When choosing a t-shirt to wear, look for one in a solid color and with a V-neck. V-necks, although many guys are quite resistant to wearing them, look great! They pair really well with jeans, casual shoes and a good pair of sunglasses. Whether you’re going to the ball game or you’re just going for a walk, this attire will ensure you look presentable.

The last tip is in regards to the fit of your shirt, which should be neither too tight nor too loose. It should look good on your body, but not tight in a way that makes you look like a sausage casing. Also, you don’t want your t-shirt to be so big that you look like you are floating in it. When in doubt, try on every t-shirt you are considering purchasing before you buy; that way, you can see how it fits on your body. Some brands use thicker fabric and some make their t-shirts long; you need to look around and find the styles that work best for your body. Men’s fashion t-shirts aren’t that complicated, just keep the above tips in mind and you’ll be sweet!

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