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Modern Man's World

The Battle of Two vs. Three Buttoned Suits

June 19, 2013
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Picking out a suit is admittedly one of the most difficult things to do. There are just so many factors that need to be considered: getting the right color, getting the right cut, getting the right size, understanding how and when each type is worn and a lot more. In order to point you in the right direction, let us first look at the pros and cons of a two buttoned versus a three buttoned suit.

The difference between a two buttoned and a three buttoned suit is quite straightforward. The two buttoned suit is comprised of a jacket that has only two buttons in front, a pair of pants and optionally a vest. The three buttoned suit on the other hand, comes with a jacket that has three (instead of two) buttons in front.

When worn, the biggest difference between a three buttoned and a two buttoned jacket is visible on the neckline. The picture below illustrates this big difference. Notice how the two buttoned jacket has a deeper “V” than the three buttoned jacket. This is a simple variance between the two jackets, but it makes all the difference in terms of overall look.

D The Battle of Two vs Three Buttoned Suits 1 D The Battle of Two vs Three Buttoned Suits 2


Generally, a two button jacket will make you look longer and taller because of the deeper “V”. If you are not that tall, the two buttoned jacket will work wonders for you because the construction of the jacket will elongate your torso and make your shoulders look broader. It will hence make you look taller and slimmer which is exactly the way most men want to look when wearing a suit.

On the other hand, the three buttoned jacket has a shallower “V” that decreases the amount of exposed torso creating a more covered up look. This covered up look usually makes the wearer look stiffer albeit also more formal. It is generally ill advised for short guys to wear a three buttoned suit because it will emphasize the lack of height. Tall guys, however, will benefit from this effect because the suit will balance out their heights while giving them that polished and unique look.

Between the two types of jackets, the two buttoned jacket is more classic than the three buttoned suit since more men can (and do) wear it. Both can be equally trendy though depending on the cut and color that you get, and depending on where and how it is worn. If you are looking to buy only one or two suits and want those suits to be usable for a long period of time, it is best to buy a two buttoned suit. However, if you are buying multiples suits then a three buttoned suit can be a breath of fresh air among your collection of two buttoned suits. It will most definitely help you stand out in a room of people all wearing the traditional two buttoned suit.

Regardless of whether you wear a three buttoned or two buttoned suit, what is most important is you wear the right suit for your body type, and that you wear it to the right occasion and in the right way. In the battle of the two buttoned versus three buttoned suit, is ultimately only you that can give the final verdict.

Which one do you prefer?

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