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Women’s Take on Facial Hair: What’s the Verdict?

July 3, 2013
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D Womens Take on Facial Hair - Whats the Vedict

Whether or not women like facial hair on their men has been a topic of debate over a long period of time. There have been various arguments and opinions raised. Most of these are quite entertaining and even stem from multiple studies in different parts of the wold. Let us see how each school of thought weighs in on the matter.

School of Thought #1 a.k.a. “The Believers” Yes, Women Like Facial Hair

Some studies, where groups of women are shown photographs of men with and without facial hair and asked to rate their attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 10 have resulted in the conclusion that women do like men with facial hair. As per these studies, women find facial hair more attractive but only to a certain extent. Stubble and a short beard, goatee or moustache give men a more attractive look according to these women while long, full and heavy beards are still generally unattractive.

There is no definitive reason for these findings however. Some women cannot fully explain the attraction they feel towards facial hair, while some state that the presence of some (but not a lot of) facial hair makes men appear more masculine, stronger and more reliable (also more mature). Generally, men with facial hair seem to be more attractive to women of a younger age although women of all ages have expressed they are attracted to such. I know what you’re thinking…these studies seem like they flip flop without actually arriving at a distinctive conclusion. I agree with you!

School of Thought #2 a.k.a. “The Non-Believers” No, Women Do NOT Like Facial Hair

Other studies have shown different results, concluding that women really do not like facial hair regardless of the amount or density. To these women, the presence of facial hair does not exude maturity or masculinity and some actually feel that men with facial hair appear more aggressive (sometimes to the point of being maniacal) and older (to the point of looking worn out). Maniacal…really?

In these studies, women prefer a cleaner and more sophisticated look which is rarely achieved by men with any amount of facial hair. Most of these women cited the ugly and uncomfortable feel of stubble and beards against their skin as one of the reasons they do not like facial hair at all. As per these studies, women do not see the presence of facial hair to contribute to attractiveness in any way, shape or form. Facial hair for them is irrelevant when talking about a man’s ability to cope with a stressful environment and deal with pressure. In fact, facial hair may even be seen as the lack of hygiene and as the demonstration of self-care taking a back seat. In some cases, I would be inclined to agree…some of us guys really just let ourselves go. Don’t deny it. You know who you are! 😛 . More often than not, the comparison of Brad Pitt with and sans facial hair is cited as evidence of men looking more attractive sans facial hair.

The Conclusion

With arguments both for and against facial hair being backed by scientific study, at the end of the day, it seems that the conclusion really depends on personal preference.

How would you weigh in on this topic? Are you a believer or a non-believer?

photo credit: Daniele Zedda cc

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