Friday 07th March 2025,
Modern Man's World

Browsing the "Modern Man Speaks" Category


Fashion for Men: Casual Style

Fashion styles have changed a lot in the last 50 years and men’s clothing is evolving with as much emphasis as women’s. There was a time when fashion was something that would only get promoted and marketed for women, but [...]

November 20, 2014 Modern Man Speaks

1920 Men’s Fashion. What Was it Like?

Fashion has seen a lot of changes in the last one hundred years and this revolution really had it’s roots in the 1920’s. There is always a decade that starts a revolution for an industry and this was basically the [...]

November 6, 2014 Modern Man Speaks
1960 men’s fashion

Yes, We’re Talking 1960 Men’s Fashion Again!

The 1960’s were known for starting a new revolution with regards to clothing trends worldwide. The biggest changes occurred during the last 4 years of the decade and it was quite obvious that they had a heavy influence on styles [...]

October 23, 2014 Modern Man Speaks

A Quick Look at the Mad Men Clothing Style

Hollywood has always been an important contributor to the evolution of fashion. It seems like people really enjoy wearing the kind of clothes that their favorite celebrities are using and this has always been crucial to the beginning stages of [...]

October 9, 2014 Modern Man Speaks

Blast from the Past: Men’s 60’s Fashion

The first 4 years of the 60’s fashion world had little difference from the decade before – people still wore the same clothing that had been made popular in the 50’s – why wouldn’t they? The 50’s were a notable time in fashion-speak. [...]

September 25, 2014 Modern Man Speaks

Okay, Let’s Talk Gay Men’s Fashion.

As cliché-like as it may sound, there is no doubt that many gay men have an eye for fashion that arguably, can’t even be rivaled by women. Some of the most famous and world renowned designers are openly gay (Tom [...]

September 11, 2014 Modern Man Speaks