Sunday 23rd February 2025,
Modern Man's World

Browsing the "Modern Man Speaks" Category


Flashback: 50’s men’s fashion

Over the years, many fashion trends & styles have come and gone; and they have all made their own unique contribution to the fashion world in some way or form. Yes, some of them have faded away into oblivion but [...]

August 28, 2014 Modern Man Speaks
70’s men’s fashion

70’s men’s fashion

Fashion has been in a constant state of change since people started to manufacture clothing in various colors and styles. There have been some fashion styles that have transcended their time and have become quite popular decades after they had [...]

August 14, 2014 Modern Man Speaks
Getting It Right Young Mens Fashion

Getting It Right: Young Mens Fashion

Young men’s fashion today, can sometimes be either hit or miss, and many people who are iconoclasts today are not doing it correctly. They are pushing old stereotypes and unwittingly causing millions of young men to look completely sloppy. If [...]

July 31, 2014 Modern Man Speaks

Mens Fashion Suits: Time to Suit Up Lads

If you’re one of those ” I don’t give a rats a%$* how I look” kind of guys, I’m not going to lie to you – it’s going to take a little while for you to transition from the unkempt [...]

July 17, 2014 Modern Man Speaks

Let’s discuss: Mens Fashion T Shirts

Okay – It’s hot outside, too hot for that brand spanking new suit in the closet, and you want to rock a t-shirt, but which one? This question goes through the mind of every man who likes looking casual, yet [...]

July 10, 2014 Modern Man Speaks

Casual Mens Fashion: The Suit.

Suiting up is not just for those who are going into the office to battle it out with other members of the board; it is now becoming increasingly popular to suit up for less formal occasions, with a greater range [...]

April 10, 2014 Modern Man Speaks