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Modern Man's World

Choosing the right watch

August 27, 2013
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Many people don’t realize this, but when the time comes to purchase a new watch there are a number of things that you will need to consider. On this page I want to run you through a few of the things that should hopefully help you on your quest to choosing the right watch.

1. Tip number 1 is to know your budget. Honestly, if you just pay attention to one tip on this list it NEEDS to be this one. Once you have your budget it should give you a sort of idea as to the types of watches that you should be looking at. If you are searching for a designer watch then you do need to make sure that your budget is fairly large. Remember, despite people claiming that they offer cheap designer watches, things on the internet aren’t really what they seem. If you buy cheap you will end up with cheap.

2. Know your style. This is sadly not something I can help with. Every man out there has their own unique style that they need to find for themselves. This may involve you trying on a couple of watches to find the right type that suits you. You should only choose something which you love, DO NOT let anyone pressure you into purchasing a watch that doesn’t really suit you. Buying a watch is a HIGHLY personal experience.

3. Choose the right size watch for you! This not only applies to the strap, but also the face of the watch. If you are of a large stature then you may want to avoid watches which have incredibly small faces. They won’t look good on you at all.

4. Carry out research into the brands of watches that you are most interested in, particularly if you have never heard of that particular brand before. You will want to be finding out things such as the quality of their watches, as well as the backup customer service that they offer. If reviews are generally poor then you may wish to avoid them.

5. Think about the types of situation that you will be using the watch in. If you are going to be mainly using the watch as an item of jewellery then you can get a watch which is fairly well-designed with sublime parts and materials. If you are going to be using it for work then you will want to choose a watch which is built for the tough rigours of daily life and will not crumble at the first opportunity.

6. Consider the type of watch mechanism you want. If you want a mechanical watch then you should be aware that it needs to be wound up periodically, and on average it loses about an hour of time every year. On the plus side though, parts can be replaced quite easily. Quartz watches on the other hand are highly accurate, but if they break the parts are hard to replace and in most cases you will need to replace the whole watch.

Now this isn’t everything that you are going to need to consider when choosing the right watch for for yourself. Hopefully this it will give you a nice little push in the right direction so you can find the watch of your dreams. I’ll leave you with this: PLEASE make sure that you always purchase from reputable providers to avoid being disappointed with your new watch!

Happy Shopping!!

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