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Modern Man's World

Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatch – Jet Black

October 30, 2014
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Samsung made a huge push commercially with the release of a high-tech device to match their smartphone line up. They were savvy, releasing commercials that featured many of the pop culture icons of the past using this device, and it’s one of the better solutions to combine your smartphone with your watch. The Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatch is a combination of high-tech and functional design mechanism. When you look closer at the different bells and whistles, you may very well find it to be an excellent choice for your busy life.


Looking at this option closer, you realize that it’s got a lot of different details that demand attention. First and foremost, you’ll need to know that it is only compatible with Samsung Galaxy smartphones. The newer, the better, and it will not work with other devices, unless there’s some “hacking” on your behalf to get it to work. Aside from that, the 1.63-inch screen has been layered with a strong screen and bright lighting. You’ll find it easy to read the digital interfaces, and use it with clear voice commands or with your phone. Aside from the face and sturdy watch band, you will find an interesting 1.9 megapixel camera. While it may not be the most compelling of features, it’s definitely strong enough to take your pics on the go, especially if you don’t have time to calibrate your phone and set it to take photos.

With voice command, and the Samsung “S” voice personal assistant, you will have access to a number of applications, phone calls and so much more. Within minutes, you will feel as though you are in a high-tech movie. These main features are definitely worth noting, and if you’re a busy person, they may factor into the decision to purchase.

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As with any major release from large technology companies, there are a few things that you should know about the detractors, and possible negative highlights that some have talked about. Consumer reviews point to several different cons, and while they may be minor, they may factor into your decision-making process.

For instance, this watch is not waterproof. It is slightly water resistant, but it’s not meant to take on a lot of serious adventures. If you’re in the rain, or if you’re looking at traversing a lot of water, damage will be imminent and could cause everything to fall apart. Without a phone nearby, it’s difficult to pick up the signal, and many have found that to be very difficult, especially when some of the phones can be quite cumbersome to carry around. There are some signal variations and conflicts, especially when using this device with Bluetooth systems, and some even found problems using the voice commands. Bugs are still being worked out and openly admitted by Samsung, which some users have decried as a stumbling block to deal with.

Final Verdict

In the end, the Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatch is a solid purchase, but it’s not getting the rave reviews you may have heard. It’s still something that technology nerds will eat up, and anyone who wants to make sure that they have the power of their phone on their wrist. It’s limited, but it’s light-years ahead of most others. To see if this type of technology suits you, click here.

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