Saturday 29th March 2025,
Modern Man's World

Stuhrling Symphony Classic Limited Edition Saturnalia Bridge

August 30, 2013
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When it comes to the world of men’s wrist watches, Stuhrling are a company that constantly strives to make its presence known. This Swiss manufacturer has been crafting watches for many years now, and it seems every single watch that they craft is better than the last. Whilst they have many product ranges at the moment, one of the most popular of theirs is the ‘Original Range’, a range which plays host to this gorgeous Stuhrling Symphony Classic Limited Edition. As you can see, this watch is incredibly unique in terms of style and something that you really would be proud to wear on your wrist. Shall we take a look at it?

As you can see, this watch is incredibly unique when it comes to style. I do believe that it is one of a few watches on the market which has a beautiful see-through case like this one. It is incredibly eye-catching and is perfect for the man that strives to look “different”. The timepiece is protected by Krysterna Crystal which is incredibly forgiving when it comes to damage. You won’t be able to scratch this, and it is VERY easy to keep clean. To be honest with you, I think the style here is good enough to be used during formal events, despite its uniqueness.

The stunning look of the face of the watch is backed up by a lovely polished steel case which helps to add a real bit of weight to the watch. When you hold this baby you really do feel as though you are holding something very high in quality. You then have a black lizard strap to complete the look – nice!

This particular watch doesn’t require batteries. Instead it is automatically wound. This happens when you wear the watch. As your wrist moves the kinetic motion ensures that the clock keeps on ticking. Of course, the downside is the fact that it will ‘stop working’ if you don’t wear your watch for extended period of times. To be honest with you though, I don’t see this as too much of a problem as you can pretty much ‘kick start’ the motion as soon as you put it on your wrist. The only problem you are really going to face here is getting the watch to the correct time again, but even this is going to be fairly quick to do.

If you are looking for a unique watch that will serve you well for decades to come then you really do need to take a look at the Stuhrling Symphony Classic Limited Edition. It is without a doubt one of the best in its price range, and as I mentioned before, it really does have all of the hallmarks of a far more expensive watch. This to me is a must buy. You can find it here! (aff link)

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