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Modern Man's World

The Best Relationship Advice for the Modern Gentleman

June 5, 2014
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There are a lot of different books, magazine articles and videos that talk about how to best treat your partner in a relationship. Whether you’re married, dating, engaged or just trying to pursue someone seriously, you’ll want to use a little bit of common sense when you’re reading the latest and greatest of advice columns today. The best relationship advice that you are going to get is not based on some newly uncovered way of thinking; in fact, it’s mostly based on common sense– treat others with respect. The following tips will give you some ideas on how to best treat your significant other.

Buying Flowers Never Gets Old

The first thing that you will want to do is look into getting a bouquet of flowers every now and again. That’s right, this simple gift may sound like a complicated one, or may seem out of place if it’s not their birthday or your anniversary, but it’s one that is tried and true. Get them some flowers, just because, and make sure that you go with something other than roses (unless they’re your significant other’s favourite). The old cliché of roses is not going to get you far in today’s modern world; besides, giving it some thought and choosing something unique will make the gift much more meaningful and appreciated.

Make Them Dinner

Learning to cook is a hard process, one that most people aren’t going to want to venture toward. However, you could start by learning how to make one meal and doing it well. Take time to cook for your beloved and light some candles. Instead of going out, open up a bottle of wine and put on some nice music, and let the evening take you into a little bit of romance. This doesn’t have to be something that is done often on a schedule, but rather as a surprise. This perhaps is one of the best relationship ideas you’ll come across.

Be Slow To Anger, But Quick To Listen

Research and surveys have always proven that men don’t listen to their spouse or significant other often enough. That is one of the top issues that couples face, and for that reason, it’s important to take this piece of wisdom to heart. If you are slow to anger, and you are quick to listen to your significant other, you are going to reap the rewards that others may not. Communication starts with listening, so make sure that you do so, and that you allow for a lot of patience as well. This will give you that longevity that is missing in a lot of relationships today.

The above pieces of advice will help any relationship. Even if you believe it’s perfect, employ the above things and you will trigger a great deal of emotion and will get to stick with your partner for a long, long time.

photo credit: pedrosimoes7 cc

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