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Modern Man's World

Relationship Advice for the Gay Man

January 23, 2014
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Being in a monogamous relationship is the same – whether you’re straight or gay and therefore there is no need to reinvent the wheel to please your partner. It’s not a matter of coming up with all new ways of being with someone, but rather sticking to the tried and true formulae that have worked for people over the past few generations.

Pay Attention To The Little Things

All men seem to forget that what is memorable to their partners is the little things. In the beginning every detail is important as you begin to get to know a person, each unique detail heard and registered. However, over time you become use to each other and it is these little things that are forgotten. If you want to impress your partner, remember the little things and use this information to show you are really listening. Whether it be renting out your partners all time favorite movie or taking him to a place he once said he wanted to go, these acts of kindness demonstrate how much you appreciate all the little things that make up your partner. It’s these little gestures that will help you stay together for a long time. For advice on men’s health & dating, click here.

Be a Giver more than a Taker

If you want to showcase your love, and you want to take some good relationship advice to the bank, then become a giver. Gay or straight, this is not the same as getting walked over and being a door mat, but rather a way to make sure that you’re always showing your love to your partner. Instead of expecting things to be done for you, take opportunities to do the cleaning, perhaps cook a special meal or spend time doing something for your partner that is out of the norm. This doesn’t have to turn into a daily thing, but see it as an opportunity to show your partner how much you care for them. That’s not to say that you should do everything for them and end up being treated like a servant. Set boundaries and make sure you are getting taken care of yourself once in awhile.

Be Affectionate

 This doesn’t mean smothering your partner all the time. There is a time and place for that, but if you suddenly feel  affectionate, act on it appropriately with a hug or gentle kiss. There will be times when this is welcomed and times when this is not, so pay particular attention to the situation and context in which you chose to reach out . Don’t grow cold if you don’t get a response right away  because being affectionate could take time if it’s something that is not the norm in your relationship.

As you can see from above, gay relationship advice is often similar to that of any other relationship. The same compassion, love, and care for a couple exists within this type of union and can be managed using similar, if not the same strategies used in heterosexual relationships. If you find that you are becoming complacent with each other, think back to the beginning of your relationship, to the little details and use this to re-ignite appreciation for one another . This can also be done through the simple action of completing tasks for one another or with a simple hug or kiss. The more you communicate your feelings, the better things are going to be long term for your relationship, whether it is gay or heterosexual.

photo credit: CarbonNYC cc

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