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Modern Man's World

Dating for Men In Uniform: Precautions Ahead

June 26, 2014
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For the man who goes to work and puts on a uniform– whether you’re in the military, law enforcement, or any other line of work that requires you to wear a uniform– you’re going to find that it can be a serious attraction point. So many are attracted to a man in a uniform that it can be easy to get dates, but there are some major precautions that you should consider before you jump into a relationship. Dating for men in uniform can be a complicated matter in many ways, and it could be something that you aren’t prepared for.

The first major precaution is simple; avoid the crazy women and some men who are after you as a sexual object. Though they can provide a lot of fun for those who want to just have a one nighter with a passionate person, if you are hoping to build a strong and healthy relationship, you’ll have your work cut out for you. What if you are let go or lose the uniform? If the relationship is based entirely on the attraction to the uniform, the whole thing can fall apart.

Wearing the outfit may be part of your job while you’re on the clock, but do you actually want to have it on all the time? If there’s a separation between your duties and your regular life, then you will want to consider that as part of your dating ritual as well. You’ll need to be upfront with your dates that there are two different people in that uniform and that you’re not playing dress up. Too often, people do not understand the distinction and therefore create unrealistic ideas of what you should be like and how you should behave because of the uniform. Do not fall into a game in which you have to play a role just to please someone.

Occasional fun is okay; however, make sure that when you’re dealing with women and even some men who seem to be actively seeking men in uniform, that they are not just into a fetish. This sort of issue is a tough one to deal with, because the newness wears off and they could end up pursuing someone else when they are tired of you. It goes back to what was stated above; there’s a distinction that needs to be made.

Now, all these precautions are fine and dandy, but there is something else at play here. You’ll need to take the first step forward and decide what type of date you want. Do you want to just have casual fun and not be in a committed relationship? If so, then things are easier. But if you want to be more than a man in uniform, taking a few points above into consideration can help steer you in the right direction. Dating for men in uniform can be a thrill, but please keep in mind that there are some serious issues that can arise if you’re not careful.

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