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Modern Man's World

Online Dating Advice For Men: Getting More Dates

March 20, 2014
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Dating online is really picking up these days compared to a few years ago. More people are getting comfortable with the internet as a communication medium and with social platforms like Facebook and Twitter, connecting personally and putting out personal information online is starting to be acceptable by most. The number one way to get a date today is not necessarily one that you may think of at first glance. In fact, it doesn’t involve going to clubs or going to a bar; it’s all about the online world. That’s right, more and more people are moving to the internet in order to meet their mate, and many are finding that if they follow a few key pieces of advice, they can come across a lot of opportunities. When you start your search for online dating advice for men, it’s easy to get discouraged as many are not focused on the true nature of these sites. If you want to really get noticed, and you do not want to just mess around and feel the lonely side effects of having an empty mailbox, consider these key pieces of advice.

Fill out Your Profile Honestly and Thoroughly

If you are confronted with a form that allows you to fill out information about yourself, take advantage of it and include information that tells others who you are and what you like. Do not just leave it blank and do not try to out-think the form. There’s no winning formula here, but one thing is for sure; too little information will leave you stranded on an island alone. When searching for online dating advice for men, it says you should leave a lot of forms blank to give off an air of mystery. But this is just plain wrong. Women control many aspects of these pages and they are not going to go for someone they can’t really figure out. With that in mind, try to keep things light, basic, yet thorough and honest.

Do Not Get Desperate and Message Everyone

One of the biggest problems that men have is that they assume that they will get a lot of responses right away. Things take time, and if you don’t get a lot of responses, do not frantically search and start messaging everyone. Take your time and indulge in the process of looking at what others are talking about, what their ads say and how they are presenting themselves. You’ll find different profiles that are empty, complete, have pictures and a lot of idiosyncrasies that you may want to keep tabs on.

Be Unique With Your Messages

This may be the biggest piece of online dating advice for men that you are going to get from any website — don’t use cliché lines and canned responses in your messages. It’s easy to write a sentence, a pick-up line, or something that is just boring. Try to customize every message, and do not use a template. Send messages that indicate you read the person’s profile, and if you get a response, try to nudge the topic of the emails to a meeting, by simply giving out your number. But ONLY when you feel it is safe and appropriate to do so. If they aren’t interested, you’ll know right away.

The above are just a few things that you’ll want to consider when diving into online dating and are pieces of advice that could save you from failing in the process of meeting that special someone online.

photo credit: Don Hankins cc

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