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Online Relationship Advice for the Cautious Dater

March 27, 2014
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When it comes to dating online, there are a lot of different considerations to make.  Let’s face it, keeping a steady relationship on the web is a hard thing to do. Although there are plenty of genuine people looking to make a connection out there, it is quite possible you will come across a few fake profiles along the way. For this reason, it is always good to err on the side of caution, and educate yourself. In addition to fake profiles, there are plenty of other issues that can crop up, causing a less than desirable dating experience. For this reason, it is important to get some good online relationship advice, prior to tackling the (sometimes) dodgy world of online dating.

First and foremost, put up honest pictures of yourself and provide the requested information truthfully. Expect that from others as well, as you want your relationship to be built on an honest foundation. At the same time, make sure that you are able to verify whether the person that you’re speaking to is legitimate and real. These days, you can’t be too careful – there are many scams going on (just think about what happens on the TV show, Catfish). It is a good idea to only use trusted, reliable and well-reviewed websites, to make connections with people. This way you can increase your chances of finding a more suitable partner.

If you’re in a relationship and there’s a strong online component to it, a really good piece of advice is to fine tune your communication skills. No one likes a “stage 5 clinger“, so keep this in mind when scheduling chats and online conversations with your partner. It wreaks of desperation when you constantly message and pester them into unnecessary conversations with you. Just like in a traditional relationship, trust is a huge factor in the online world as well. Be sure to be open with your partner and if you find yourself tempted (this can happen more often than you think), or you’re in a place where things become difficult, talk to the person you’re dating. Maintaining an open and honest line of communication is one of the best things you can do to maintain a strong and enduring online relationship.

A really important point to consider when looking into starting an online relationship, is whether or not you are prepared for a long term commitment of this sort – especially if the relationship is a long distance one. Some people find a relationship of this type can cause immense pressures on their day to day lives. Although some people will argue that a long-distance relationship is easier today than ever before – we are all human and it is in our nature to want to be physically close to the ones we love. If you are currently in a relationship where you feel this way, again, be honest and communicate with your significant other. As you can see, good communication is an essential part of every successful relationship.

The above tips are just a few things to mull over when you’re looking at dating someone onlineOnline relationship advice is a dime a dozen, and although there are risks with using the internet as a tool to meet people, as long as you take the appropriate precautions to protect yourself and are willing to communicate honestly, you just might find your special someone. Who knows, it could even lead to something long term. There are tonnes of genuine people that are looking to connect, just like you are. And guess what? They are just one click away.

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