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Modern Man's World

Relationship Help For Men: 3 Fantastic Tips to Keep the Spark Alight

May 1, 2014
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Being in a relationship can be rewarding, fulfilling and downright amazing. However, after the newness wears off and you’ve been with someone for awhile, some of us can start to find that things get a bit boring. Not all of us, some of us.If you want to change that and you are seeking relationship help for men, it often helps to start by taking a look at yourself and what you can do first before deciding it’s your partner’s fault. Consider the following tips to begin with.

Spicing Things Up In The Bedroom

We will start with what most men want to talk about — sex. If you’re monogamous (most of us are) and in a long term relationship, things can get very predictable under the sheets. If you find yourself in this position and want to spice things up, talk it over with your partner, change your moves up and try new things 😉 ! See being in a relationship is a commitment – being open about issues and confronting them together will do nothing but bring a couple closer.

Cleaning The House Helps

If you’re in a relationship and both you and your partner are working, helping out at home can work wonders. You know the way you feel when you get home from work? Tired, icky and in “just want to lounge on the couch” mode? Yeah, your partner probably feels the same! Doing your bit to help out at home shows consideration for your significant other. Regardless of who made the mess, there is nothing quite as nice as cleaning up a home for someone you love. Get into the habit of doing this and do not expect a compliment or anything in return. Being proactive will get you some positive attention, which will in turn fuel other aspects of the relationship.

Start Learning To Cook

If you haven’t already done so, learn to cook and try to make dinner as frequently as possible. Even if things don’t turn out right a couple times, put in as much effort into this as you do into other aspects of your life. Doing this will ensure improvements in your relationship. This is a matter of action and not necessarily discussion, so don’t try to drag conversations out about this; just go and do it. Relationship help for men is oftentimes about action, so keep this in mind.

The above pieces of advice are just a sampling of things that you can do to make sure that your lover, no matter how long you’ve been together, remains in love. If these tips do not work, counselling could help, and if all else fails, a frank discussion about the future may be in order. Do not be afraid to talk things out and try to get a feel for what is wrong. The worst thing that you can do is to shut down or not have an open channel of communication. If you’re seeking relationship help for men, make sure that you understand it takes two to make things work.

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