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Bad Relationship Advice From Men: The Low Down

May 22, 2014
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Friends. You’ve got to love ’em. But sometimes asking said friends for relationship advice can yield less than stellar results.

No matter how long you’ve been dating or been in a relationship (even married), you’ll find that relationship advice from men can sometimes be insanely stupid. Well-meant. But Stupid. It’s with that in mind that certain things need to get erased from the advice column, and new rules should be made so that successful slices of wisdom shine through.

The 3Day Rule For Calling is Stupid

The often repeated rule of waiting 3 days to call is not a good one. You don’t need to wait 3 days; instead, call her the next afternoon or wait for her to call. If the date went really well, you will hear from her long before the third day, so don’t worry about it. If the date wasn’t that good or you didn’t really get the sense that she was terribly interested in you, then take that as a sign to cool things off. However, if you found the love of your life, and she is showcasing the same enthusiasm, call her! Don’t wait.

Be Mysterious, Dangerous, Bad or Yourself

Sure, the bad boy gets a lot of women, the man of mystery gets laid a lot, but is that all you want? If that’s all you want out of life, fine, have your fill. However, if you want to be with someone for more than just a roll in the sack, you’ll want to stop the clichés and be yourself. If you’re not all the things listed above, then just be honest and open about who you are, what you like and what your goals are in life. You’ll find that many women enjoy that far better than a poser who comes their way.

Communicate Boldly, Don’t Play Games

Bad relationship advice from men often times encourages a coward’s approach to relationships. If you find that you don’t want to be with someone, or if you want to marry someone, playing games is not a good thing. Don’t wait for them to make the first move and be open and tell them what is going on in your mind. If you want out, tell them. If you want to marry them, get on one knee and don’t wait for the expensive ring.

There’s a lot of relationship advice from men floating around and it’s all because people assume that a relationship is a game to be played. It’s not. We are human beings and your better half is too, so make sure that they are treated with respect, open up the doors to communicating better and stop being a cliché.

photo credit: ginnerobot cc

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