Thursday 30th January 2025,
Modern Man's World

The Tao of Badass

June 30, 2013
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So people, today I am reviewing something that I stumbled across and thought would be really good for those that are on the shy side when it comes to dating.

The Tao of Badass is a series of e-books and videos aimed at helping men become “badass” at dating women through simple behavioral changes. The series is written by acclaimed author and professional dating coach Josh Pellicer who believes that attracting and impressing women is a learned skill. Josh Pellicer has been featured on television and in the news because of the revolutionary advice that he gives to the hundreds of men who have bought and subscribed to the Tao of Badass and the coaching of Josh Pellicer. Alex Allman, author of Sexual Mastery, describes Josh as being a successful coach due to his innate ability to read subtle social cues in the interactions between men and women.

With this, the Tao of Badass has transformed from just e-books and videos, to a way of life. Purchasing the main e-book entitled “The Tao of Badass” for USD 97.00 (well worth the price in my opinion) will not just get you the e-book plus four amazing e-books with a USD 100.00+ value; it will also open up a community of men who you can talk to, a portal of exclusive videos and tips to tryout, and easy access to inspiring interviews of badass (no pun intended:-p) experts for just USD 19.97 monthly. This ensures that you not only get in the game but that you also stay in the game.

The four bonus e-books included in the limited edition sale price are entitled “Never Get Cheated On”, “Escaping the Friend Zone”, “Monogamy vs. Polyamory” and “A Guide to Breaking Up”. Each book guides you to specific stages of a relationship from dating multiple women (although this is not condoned for us gentleman) without lying, not being lied to, getting out of the friend zone, and breaking up with a girl if you realize that she is not the one for you. There is barely anything that the e-book set does not cover but for those tiny details you can always refer to the multitude of videos and tips available to subscribers.

The more than 17,000 men who have read the books, watched the videos and joined the online community consider the Tao of Badass a revolutionary product.

Here’s what others have to say:

Michael of California thinks “the Tao of Badass is sheer genius”.

Milton Miller of highly praises Josh’s deep understanding of human nature and psychology and his ability to explain all of it in a way that improves and starts relationships.

Many of these men really feel privileged to have come across the Tao of Badass and to have Josh as a coach/mentor.

I felt this product suited the theme of what we are trying to achieve here at Modern Man’s World – creating confident gentlemen. If you find yourself unable to get a decent date, or if you never receive a call after the first date, then this is the perfect product for you! It is time to say goodbye to being the man who is always good but never good enough to be that hot girl’s date. You can find more details about the Tao of Badass, read up about the author/creator Josh Pellicer, buy the e-book series, subscribe to the video series and join the community of “badass” men here.

(Please note that the above is an affiliate link. If you choose to buy the product through my link, thank you, I am very grateful. Once again, please don’t buy this product, or any other one for that fact, if you don’t feel that you see personal value in it.)

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