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Modern Man's World

Our Top 3 Online Dating Tips For Men

July 24, 2014
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Millions of people are starting to venture into the online world to find mates. This is a trend that is not going to go away, no matter how hard you try to move away from it. If you are still trying to hit up bars and clubs, you’re barking up the wrong proverbial tree in a way. Although bars are still relevant, a really good way to meet someone is through the many dating websites that are popular today – IF you know what you are doing that is.

With that in mind, you should consider the top 3 online dating tips for men published below. The following bits of advice are going to make sure that you look less like a creeper and more like a man worth getting to know. Keep the following tips in mind, and you will find yourself meeting amazing people.

Use Real Pictures

The photographs that you put up on your profile better be real. Not just your face, but a profile, a whole-body shot and something that allows a visitor to have a sense of what you’re about. Take time to really consider your image and do not just post up your social media images or anything that is going to work against you. Think about what you would want to see in a picture, and no, do not post yourself shirtless under any circumstances.

Pay for the Membership

Perhaps one of the best online dating tips for men you will come across is this one: pay for the membership. When you are a member of a large community of daters, you’re going to find yourself interacting with a lot more serious daters. If they have paid for the service as well, you are more likely to get hitched than if you were to not pay for it at all. On many sites, you will not be able to communicate with anyone if you don’t pay, so keep that in mind. Also, the membership fee weeds out lurkers. So in theory, you have a better quality pool of daters to work with.

Do Not Send Canned Replies

One of the worst things that you can do to someone is send them a canned, template, or stupid reply. Whether you initiate contact or someone else does, you absolutely need to be original and give someone a good sense of who you are. Introduce yourself, say something nice and see if they are interested in looking at your profile and possibly talking on the phone, texting or going on a date. Do not be gun shy, as you may end up with a lot of messages back and forth but no dates. Move the conversation offline, and do it casually.

The above online dating tips for men are going to help separate serious members from those who just want to party. See what works best and make sure that you do not stick to one method overall. Try different things and see what you can do to get more responses and dates. If you rely on just your own understanding of how dating should work and think you have it all, you could end up losing out on something grand. So instead, run with the above advice – it’s a good start, check this article out for more advice and add your own flavours to the mix. You’ll be a dating champ in no time!

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